Testimonials For Your Site – Form

All personal information is held securely in accordance with the appropriate legislation, is confidential and treated appropriately.

Testimonials are a very important section of your website.  They not only give evidence that you can and have provided quality products/services to customers in the past, they also show that you are an established business that people are willing to put their name to as a recommendation.  Testimonials are more important than any sales copy you write yourself.

Ideally we require at least six (6) quality testimonials on your website to create the look and feel of an established, well sought-after business.  For more information on how to obtain quality testimonials, refer to our ‘Obtaining Testimonials’ guide that was provided to you in your getting started/welcome e-mail pack.

IMPORTANT:  Please ensure your form submissions include correct spelling and grammar, as the information you provide will be published to your site.

  • You can click 'save and continue later' throughout the process, just remember to save the hyperlink that comes up on the screen after you click the 'save and continue later' button, and enter your e-mail address and hit 'submit' to have the link sent to you via e-mail. If you don't do either of these two things, anything you submitted on the form will not be saved, at all, anywhere.
  • Since our forms are really awesome at helping small business owners provide meaningful information about their business for use on their website, we HIGHLY recommend the following to prevent loosing your work due to internet interruption, battery failure or some other scary event that would stop this form before you can hit save. If you are writing 'pure gold' for some of our questions that allow longer answers, write it in your word processing software of choice first e.g. MS Word, Notepad etc. and then copy and paste your answers into our awesome form/s. This will save you a lot of heartache later on and it will also give you a copy of your awesome answers for your own future use.
  • Client Information

  • Preferred Name
  • (Note: if you have not registered your domain name/s yet and therefore don't know your site address, simply put 'tba' in this field)
  • Testimonials

  • Testimonial no. 1

  • Testimonial no. 2

  • Testimonial no. 3

  • Testimonial no. 4

  • Testimonial no. 5

  • Testimonial no. 6