Fraser Coast Carpet & Pest

- To make the website mobile & table friendly
- Generate more content to explain the benefits of their services to health and property maintenance
- Have helpful information on the site answering key questions customers might have
- Optimise the site for search engine visibility
- Add in a page for specials to promote their offers more effectively
- The site now displays brilliantly on all devices. When viewed on tablets or mobiles the text is larger, menusarethumbfriendlyandlongpageshaveascrolltotopbutton.Allphonenumbersareclickable linkstocall,helpingcustomerstakeimmediateaction.Themorebarriersyouremovetoyoucustomers getting hold of you, the more likely they are to follow-through and make contact. We also made the phone number super clear on the top menu so it stands out.
- Thesitehasmuchclearerexplanationsoftheservicestheyoffer,includingthebenefitsofhavingthese keyservicesdone,removingdoubtfrombuyersmindsandmovingthemonestepclosertomakingthe call. Having these extra details gave us a greater opportunity to utilise key words throughout the site which will help increase the opportunity of showing up in online searches.
- The specials page gives Shane the opportunity to showcase current deals/promotions and highlight just how cost effective his services are. This will help attract clients, since many people want to have some idea of what price they might have to pay, and finding this out online beforehand can often lead to a call.
Shane’s business has an awesome logo that we were able to use in various ways throughout the site. We made icons out of the target aspect of the logo, we even used the carpet scroll and the cockroach aspect creatively.

“Rose took the time to explain how important it was to upgrade our site so that it was mobile (and tablet) friendly. So many customers are searching on their phones these days, and we were missing out big time. The site looks great and matches our branding so well, we’re very impressed. We’re looking forward to the increased traffic as a result of all of the improvements and enhancements.”